Spiritual Health Services in a Hospital


An Organizational Primer




XXX Hospital offers all kinds of services that will facilitate resolution of health problems and promotion and maintenance of biopsychosocial as well as spiritual well-being of its clients – or health.


Spiritual health services is one of the services that XXX Hospital offers.





To provide spiritual health services to clients of XXX Hospital, both internal as well as external clients.




1.      To provide spiritual health services integrated into the medical and nursing services.

2.      To provide facilities that will promote spiritual well-being.

3.      To facilitate referrals to specialists in spiritual health services requested by clients


Organizational Chart:


Reports to the Operations Officer (Administrative Officer)



At least 2 sisters and 1 priest 

Number determined by workload.



Assistant Head




List of facilities and equipment needed based on list of services and activities:




Office near chapel and prayer room


Conference room within the office

For meeting and training of staff

For counseling of clients




Prayer room**



            *An ecumenical chapel is preferred. 

            Note, however, if Catholic nuns and priests will be running the spiritual

health services, they would prefer to have a Catholic chapel rather than an ecumenical chapel. The main reason for this preference is more on facilitating placement and keeping of statues and the other Catholic paraphernalia needed (which will be cumbersome when they will convert the ecumenical chapel into a Catholic one during their services).  The Catholic nuns, however, are amenable to having a prayer room for the nonCatholics adjacent to the Catholic chapel.


**If a Catholic chapel is to be built, a prayer room should be provided for the nonCatholics clients.



Counseling Services


Facilitating informed decision on benefit of spiritual health therefore utilizing spiritual force to restore/promote health:


            Counseling on

What is health?

            Forces that will promote/restore health

                        Physical force

                        Mental force

                        Spiritual force

            How the forces can promote/restore health

            Importance of wholistic integrative approach

            What health promotion/restoration services XXX Hospital is offering

Do you want to avail of the spiritual health services of XXX Hospital?

            What does it entail, in terms of effort, time, and cost?


Facilitating informed decision what religion to acquire


            Briefing on different types of religion by an unbiased facilitator

                        Differences and similarities





Facilitating informed decision on strategies to acquire spiritual forces to restore/promote health:


1.      Generic method

2.      Specific religion-based method


Generic Method:


Counseling on

            Meaning of life

            Meaning of illness

            How to cope with illness with emphasis on spiritual force


Spiritual Prescription

            Meditation – topic, schedule, how long, assisted or not

            Listening to spiritual advisers/peers – topic, schedule, how long

            Questioning spiritual advisers/peers – topic, schedule, how long

            Visitation by spiritual advisers/peers – schedule, how long, activities

            Writing/diary – what, how long, when

            Reading – what (bible or nonbible materials), frequency, when



Specific Religion-based Method:


Precepts /rituals of chosen religion


            Examples of Catholic-based method:





                        Bible reading

                        Pray over

                        Prayer healing sessions

                        Last sacrament



Client Flow:


                                               Clients (External and Internal)



                                                Walk-in                       Referred

                                                                                                By MD/Nurses/Anybody



                                    Inpatient Services                 Outpatient Services

                                    (confined clients)                   (clients not confined)




Spiritual Health Services coordinated with medical and nursing health services


Spiritual Health Services         - primarily promotion of spiritual well-being

- secondarily promotion of mental well-being


Medical Health Services         - primarily promotion of physical well-being          HEALTH  

- secondarily promotion of mental well-being


Nursing Health Services         - primarily promotion of physical well-being

- secondarily promotion of mental well-being



Quality System Procedures:


            To be put up by staff.



Expectations from Clients on Spiritual Health Services:


I am a client seeking restoration of health services from XXX Hospital.


I am aware of the wholistic concept of health, which is basically a state of physical, mental and spiritual well-being in a person.


I will be extremely satisfied if XXX Hospital provides me an integrated medical, nursing, and spiritual services to restore and maintain my health.


From my experience, spiritual services in hospital are

-          not strong

-          biased to certain religion, if the hospital is owned by a religious group

-          not integrated to the medical and nursing services


I will be extremely satisfied if I see and feel the presence of a strong, unbiased, and integrative spiritual health services in XXX Hospital.


Specifically, I expect the following:


There is an office to which I can approach for a spiritual health service just as there is such a nursing service office and a physician’s office.


Structure wise, the office should have

-          proper ambience for spiritual wellness

-          privacy

-          adequate area where my relatives can be accommodated


Staff wise, they should be courteous, approachable, and competent in answering inquiry from clients and providing the specialty of spiritual health service.


There must be an effective and efficient system of providing spiritual health services in the hospital, both upon request from clients as well as offering them even when not requested.


There is a set policies and procedures in providing spiritual health services, not only contained in the file (print and/or electronic form), but whose presence can be felt by us, the clients.


The presence of a definite policies and procedures on spiritual health services must also be felt and supported by all staff of the hospital.  


I will be disappointed if I find out even just one staff of XXX Hospital is not aware that there is such a thing as spiritual health services being offered and integrated in the medical and nursing care of its clients in XXX Hospital.


Other than the office, I expect there will be an ecumenical chapel and a prayer room.


Lastly, I expect the hospital to facilitate referral to spiritual health service specialists requested by clients.



Quality Objectives:


Near zero formal complaints or not more than 20% dissatisfaction in a survey on clients’ expectations:


                        Spiritual health integrated into medical and nursing services

                        Not biased toward a certain religion

                        Presence of an office where client can approach for spiritual health service

                        Office having ambience for spiritual wellness, privacy, and adequate area

                        Staff – courteous, approachable, and competent

                        Effective and efficient system of spiritual health services

                        Presence of policies and procedures known to all staff of medical center

                        Presence of at least a prayer room


Data Needed:


Income (fund raising)



How many clients served

Programs and activities held

Clients’ feedback

How many complaints, if any


Participation in social responsibility program of the hospital